Fishpond Tribe - We received this letter from our friends over at Western Rivers Conservancy just the other day and we wanted to make sure to share it with you all. Our partnership with Chaco sandals and WRC is adding up to serious dollars when it comes to helping conserve rivers. Check out this great letter and see the work that they have done with your support.
Dear Fishpond, and to each and every one of you who supported Western Rivers Conservancy by purchasing Fishpond products last year: Thank you!
Together, you raised over $10,600 to support WRC’s conservation efforts on rivers around the West. This is huge. In 2017, we launched, continued or completed conservation efforts on 17 rivers and 29 tributary streams, from the Rio Grande to the North Umpqua River.
You may or may not have realized it the moment you bought a new pair of Fishpond sandals, but your collective buying power added up to a significant impact for rivers. The amount you raised is helping us:
• Create new access for anglers, boaters, hikers and others along four miles of the Rio Grande in the San Luis Valley, in an area that has almost no public river access; and protect over 18,000 acres of fish and wildlife habit;
• Return significant flows (actual clean, cold CFS) to two critical rearing streams for salmon and steelhead in Idaho’s Sawtooth Valley, streams which flow into the Salmon River;
• Create a cold-water salmon sanctuary on Blue Creek, the most important tributary to the lower Klamath River and a lifeline for the area’s diverse fish and wildlife;
• Conserve over 10 miles of Oregon’s John Day River and eight miles of the largest cold-water tributary on the lower river, an effort that will improve the odds for a crucial run of summer steelhead and guarantee public river access in a remote, scenic river canyon;
• Nearly double the size of a state preserve that protects Washington State’s Chehalis River Surge Plain, the largest river estuary of its kind in the state and crucial habitat for salmon, steelhead and wildlife, and an amazing spot for kayaking and canoeing.
All of us at WRC want you to know that your decision to buy Fishpond is having a profound impact on the rivers we all love. We are hugely appreciative of your support!
From all of us at Western Rivers Conservancy, thank you.
If you have not gotten your pair of sandles yet, do so here.

Goat Creek, Sawtooths
Goat Creek is a tributary to the upper Salmon River and provides crucial rearing habitat for Chinook and steelhead. WRC is working to improve stream-flows in the creeks for the sake of salmon and steelhead. photo: Kirk Anderson
Find out more about Western Rivers Conservancy - Mission statement: protect outstanding river ecosystems throughout the western United States. We acquire land to conserve critical habitat, provide public access for compatible use and enjoyment, and cooperate with other agencies and organizations to secure the health of whole ecosystems.
Cover photo: Russ Schnitzer Rio Grande River Along this reach of the upper Rio Grande, in the San Luis Valley, WRC is improving public access and conserving over 18,000 acres of land, four miles of the Rio and a mile of the Conejos.