We all know the value of our rivers to our quality of life, to the recreating we love to do in them and to our businesses if we depend on healthy rivers. But, Protect the Flows a Colorado River advocacy group for the business voice of the Colorado River system has quantified exactly what that value is. The river system contributes $26 billion to the US economy every year from people recreating and enjoying the rivers in the system. These are dollars flowing into the economy when people go on a guided trip or buy gear or eat in a restaurant or drink a beer at a local brewery. Additionally, the river supports 234,000 American jobs. Protect the Flows works to protect the Colorado River because of the economic value shown in their study. They argue to decision makers that without healthy and flowing rivers the West would lose major revenue in the seven states the Colorado system runs through. We must protect this iconic and economic gem. In a time of drought, reduced reservoir levels in Lake Mead and Lake Powell and water in the West on the minds of many PTF is working to encourage decision makers to prioritize conservation policies and advance our water systems in a water smart way so that we can all continue to enjoy our rivers and those of us who depend on river related spending can keep providing these experiences for our customers. To learn more about how PTF is the business voice for the Colorado River and to add your business to their list of over 1,100 supporters please visit

Molly Mugglestone
Protect the Flows Co-Director