In early December, we traveled to The Big Easy expecting Jazz music, cajun food, and the chance to try our hand at a big Redfish. Staying just a block off Bourbon Street in the French Quarter, we walked out of the hotel in search of our first Jambayla into a sea of people akin to the last time I saw the band, Phish. Although I'll have to admit, the vibe was a little different. One of my Northwest friends carries a fake "grill" insert in his wader pocket in hopes of a gangster-like photo with a twenty pound Steelhead, but I had never in my life seen people wearing real "grills". Instead of Miles Davis, people were dancing in the streets while Little Wayne blared from hidden speakers. We proceeded through the sea of unknown, but my friend so kindly warned me I would get beat up with my Portlandia look. I swept the crowds with my eyes as we walked the infamous Bourbon Street.
And while the thrill of New Orleans did not disappoint, we had no idea what Flywater Expeditions would have in store for us. Capt. Greg Dini, owner, had us set up with the best fly fishing guides Louisiana has to offer. Sight fishing from a casting platform on the bow of the boat while the guide poled or ran an electric trolling motor, we were able to see out into the brownish colored water and look for large shapes. Once we all got an eye for our targets, we saw more oversized Redfish than I ever imagined possible. What had begun as an attempt at one or two big ones, quickly unfolded into an epic experience. At one point I felt like we were driving on the wrong side of the freeway into giant redfish traffic. So many fish over twenty pounds, some over thirty, and a couple pushing that forty pound mark.
And while we were all well aware that every once in a while you hit things perfectly, we're not afraid to tempt fate. Louisiana, we'll be year.